Music Ministry at St. AnthonyAdult Choir posing after the Easter Sunday Mass, 2023
The Children's Choir with Fr. Matt: Walter, Diana, Reagan, Juliet, Maddie, Ana, Johnathan in the back; Enzo
Mission and Vision Statement
Saint Anthony of Padua Parish Music Ministry is rooted in the Franciscan tradition of celebrating God's presence and community in our prayers, liturgies, and sacramental life with vibrant song and music. As an integral part of the parish Worship Committee, we strive for best practices to develop quality liturgical and musical expression in the pastoral spirit of the Second Vatican Council.
The activities of the Music Ministry offer hospitality, healing, hope, affirmation and unity within communal diversity for the worshiping assembly and parish.
Our vision is to be a liturgical and musical catalyst to live, grow, and serve our community to strive to be authentic Catholic Christians.
Crescenzo Fonzo is our Music Director. Contact him to ask about joining the music ministry:
[email protected]
Adult Choir:
We welcome new members to join our wonderful adult choir. All that's needed is a love of music and a commitment to participate in weekly rehearsals and sing at the 11:00 AM Sunday Mass. Rehearsals are scheduled for Thursdays, at 7:30 PM in the church.
Youth Choir:
Being a part of the youth choir is a wonderful way for your child to participate in church ministry, learn to sing as a team, and develop a deeper understanding of music and appreciation of the mass.
The Youth Choir Rehearsals are on Thursdays at 5:00 PM in church, no more than one hour. All children in grades 4 through high school are invited to participate, and no prior singing experience is necessary.